Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Capacity for Innovation in Large, Complex Organizations - Joseph R. Cerami - 2001 Propositions

The Capacity for Innovation in Large, Complex Organizations
Joseph R. Cerami
The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 6(1), 2001,

Propositions in the paper

General Proposition:

Large, complex organizations can be more effectively innovative by developing capacities for innovation.

Propositions, by Capacity:
Proposition 1:

Large, complex organizations can be more effectively innovative by developing a capacity to promote a values-based, environment-oriented identity.
1A: The capacity to promote a values-based, environment-oriented identity requires a strategy that includes innovation in the vision, mission, values and purpose statements.

1B: The capacity to promote a values-based, environment-oriented identity requires core values that encourage innovation and can be embodied in achievable and measurable goals.

1C: The capacity to promote a values-based, environment-oriented identity requires constant environmental scanning (for current and future competitive threats and cooperative opportunities) and the capability to change values to support both incremental and discontinuous change.

Proposition 2:

Large, complex organizations can be more effectively innovative by developing a capacity for flexible work processes.

2A: The capacity to develop flexible work processes requires the capability to assemble powerful, flexible, creative, multifunctional, and boundary-spanning teams.

2B: The capacity to develop flexible work processes requires a culture and climate that supports innovation and change.

2C: The capacity to develop flexible work processes requires ambidextrous approaches for managing existing technology while simultaneously developing new technologies (this includes the capability to align all organizational subsystems to support both incremental and discontinuous change).

Proposition 3:

Large, complex organizations can be more effectively innovative by developing a capacity for individual and collective situated judgment.

3A: The capacity for individual and collective situated judgment can be developed by promoting creativity in individual and group attributes, conceptual skills, behavior, and processes.

3B: The capacity for individual and collective situated judgment can be developed by improving the organization's decision making, knowledge-base and technological mastery (including the capacity to experiment, conduct pilot tests, and manage technology cycles).

3C: The capacity for individual and collective situated judgment can be developed through environmentally-oriented, flexible and adaptable team and management styles, and project-oriented, horizontal work processes.

3D: The capacity for individual and collective situated judgment can be developed by improving the ability of top management to identify and overcome barriers to innovation and change.

Proposition 4:

Large, complex organizations can be more effectively innovative by developing a capacity for individual and collective accountability.

4A: The capacity for individual and collective accountability can be developed through structures and management that encourage horizontal, boundary-spanning, open communications and the interaction (and conflict management) of independent, small, multifunctional teams.

4B: The capacity for individual and collective accountability can be developed by a top management that performs the roles of architects, network builders, jugglers and buffers.

4C: The capacity for individual and collective accountability can be developed by improving the metrics used to measure continuous improvements (through methods, such as CMM).

4D: The capacity for individual and collective accountability can be developed by a top management that can identify the most important problems and performance gaps, then align organizational subsystems to enable rapid organizational change and develop new technologies faster than environmental competitors.

Innovation Theory and Innovation Management Theory - Literature Reviews

Strategic Innovation - Literature Review - 2013
Essay - Part of a thesis

Innovation Theory: A review of the literature
ICEPT Working Paper
May 2012
Ref: ICEPT/WP/2012/011
Philip Greenacre (philip.greenacre06 @
Dr Robert Gross (robert.gross @
Jamie Speirs (jamie.speirs06 @
Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology

Innovation Management - Google Books Bibliography

Perspectives on Supplier Innovation: Theories, Concepts and Empirical Insights on Open Innovation and the Integration of Suppliers

Alexander Brem, Joseph Tidd
World Scientific, 2012 -  550 pages

Hardly anybody outside a company knows its products and processes better than its suppliers. Research confirms that intensive integration of suppliers in the value creation process positively influences the success of the company, particularly in highly competitive industries. This is a result of the progressing reduction in the depth of value creation of manufacturers and the increasing transfer of know-how towards suppliers. In multilevel business-to-business relationships, suppliers often have the best or the only access and comprehensive knowledge about the end users. Therefore, suppliers determine the scope of possible innovations, which most companies do not actively use.
This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of theories, concepts and especially empirical results on open innovation and the integration of suppliers. For this, authors from all over the world present their latest research results offering fascinating insights into collaborative approaches with suppliers.

Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 

Greece, 16-17 September 2010

Academic Conferences Limited, 2010 - 779 pages

Innovation in Japan: Emerging Patterns, Enduring Myths 

Keith Jackson, Phillipe Debroux
Routledge, 2009  - 200 pages

The Japanese economy has made a remarkable recovery from the so-called ‘Lost Decade’ of the 1990s. This said, demographic trends suggest that Japan will have to show remarkable powers of innovation if it is to continue to prosper in the global economy. For, around the turn of the last century texts published by prominent strategy analysts such as Michael Porter and colleagues were asking whether Japan could continue to compete at all, and in answering this question they not only gained significant global attention, they also appeared to sound the death knell for strategic innovation in Japan.

This collection helps put the record straight. It invites authors and editors of previous (Routledge) titles on the topic of ‘Innovation in Japan’ to reflect on how things have moved on – prominent scholars on Japanese innovation such as Martin Hemmert, Cornelia Storz, and Ruth Taplin, all of whom appear in this collection. It brings together fresh perspectives on Japanese-style innovation, from insiders and from outsiders, from scholars and from practitioners, all of whose combined contributions to this book update our understanding of how patterns of innovation in Japan are evolving and thus provide inspiration and guidance for managers and innovators worldwide.

Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation

James M. Utterback
Harvard Business Press, 1996 - 253 pages

The author presents a compelling look at how innovation transforms industries, raising the fortunes of some firms while destroying others. The book draws on the rich history of innovation by inventors and entrepreneurs--ranging from the birth of typewriters to the emergence of personal computers, gas lamps to fluorescent lighting, George Eastman's amateur photography to electronic imaging--to develop a practical model for how innovation enters an industry, how mainstream firms typically respond, and how--over time--new and old players wrestle for dominance. Utterback asserts that existing organizations must consistently abandon past success and embrace innovation--even when it undermines their traditional strengths. He sets forth a strategy to do so, and identifies the responsibilities of managers to lead and focus that effort.

Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation offers a pioneering model for how innovation unsettles industries and firms, and features fascinating histories of new product developments and strategies for nurturing innovation.

Management Innovation Capabilities - Propositions - Mie Harder - 2011

Management Innovation Capabilities:
A Typology and Propositions for Management Innovation Research
Mie Harder
78-87-91815-12-6 SMG Working Paper No. 2/2011
January, 2011
ISBN: 978-87-91815-64-5
Department of Strategic Management and Globalization
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 24
2000 Frederiksberg

Proposition 1: The cognitive capabilities of managers, i.e. their abilities to perform mental
activities related to sensing opportunities, positively influence the diagnostic capability and the
management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence,    increases the likelihood of
implementing management innovations.

Proposition 2: Organizational resources (e.g. workforce characteristics, knowledge sources,
knowledge sharing practices and organizational structures promoting experimentation and knowledge
sharing) positively influence the diagnostic capability and the management innovation capabilities of an
organization and, hence,  increases the likelihood of implementing management innovations.

Proposition 3: Organizational resources (e.g. employee and middle‐manager support of change,
workforce characteristics, prior experience and centralized decision making) positively influence the
implementation capability and the management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence,
increase the likelihood of implementing management innovations.

Proposition 4: The cognitive capabilities of managers, i.e. their abilities to perform mental
activities related to seizing opportunities and reconfiguring assets, positively influence the
implementation capability and the management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence,
increases the likelihood of implementing management innovations.

Proposition 5: A performance shortfall, either in the form of a perceived problem or unexploited
opportunity, positively moderates the relationship between management innovation capabilities and the
implementation of actual management innovations

Proposition 6: Management innovation characteristics (e.g. radicalness, complexity,
complementarity etc.) moderate the relationship between management innovation capabilities and the
implementation of actual management innovations.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Basic Propositions - Technological Innovation Process in the Firm - Mariano Nieto

Basic propositions for the study of the technological innovation process in the firm
Mariano Nieto
European Journal of Innovation Management
Volume 7 · Number 4 · 2004 · pp. 314-324

The innovation process in the firm could be defined as follows:
P1. Technological innovation in companies is a learning process through which a flow of
new knowledge competencies and capabilities is generated

Technology at the company level can be defined as follows:
P2. Technology is the output and the principal input of the innovation process and reflects
the volume of knowledge, competencies and capabilities that the company possesses at a
given moment in time.

The following proposition can be established regarding the
nature of the technological innovation process:
P1a. The technological innovation process is essentially continuous in nature.

P1b. The technological innovation process is path-dependent.

P1c. The technological innovation process is partially irreversible.

P1d. The technological innovation process is affected by different types of uncertainty.

P2a. All technology is made up of two types of knowledge, codified (information) and tacit.

P2b. The transmission of technologies is imperfect due to multiple factors such as
certain characteristics of knowledge, the existence of causal ambiguity or transaction

P2c. The assimilation of a new technology is not instant and depends on the level of
technological knowledge previously accumulated by the company, that is to say,
its absorption capacity.

P2d. The profits generated by a technology are not perfectly appropriable, but rather
depend of the effectiveness of the protection mechanisms used by the firms.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Organizational Culture - Concept - Defintion


Research Papers

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Culture
Lloyd H. Stebbins, Warner University and Eric B. Dent, Fayetteville State University; University of Maryland University College - Graduate School of Management and Technology
The Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2011


* The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture

Benjamin Schneider, Karen M. Barbera
Oxford University Press, 2014 - 752 pages

The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture presents the breadth of topics from Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior through the lenses of organizational climate and culture. The Handbook reveals in great detail how in both research and practice climate and culture reciprocally influence each other. The details reveal the many practices that organizations use to acquire, develop, manage, motivate, lead, and treat employees both at home and in the multinational settings that characterize contemporary organizations. Chapter authors are both expert in their fields of research and also represent current climate and culture practice in five national and international companies (3M, McDonald's, the Mayo Clinic, PepsiCo and Tata). In addition, new approaches to the collection and analysis of climate and culture data are presented as well as new thinking about organizational change from an integrated climate and culture paradigm.

No other compendium integrates climate and culture thinking like this Handbook does and no other compendium presents both an up-to-date review of the theory and research on the many facets of climate and culture as well as contemporary practice. The Handbook takes a climate and culture vantage point on micro approaches to human issues at work (recruitment and hiring, training and performance management, motivation and fairness) as well as organizational processes (teams, leadership, careers, communication), and it also explicates the fact that these are lodged within firms that function in larger national and international contexts.

Organizational Culture and Commitment: Transmission in Multinationals
Victoria Miroshnik
Palgrave Macmillan, 29-Nov-2013 - Business & Economics - 360 pag

Formation of company citizenship leads to success for the multinational companies by creating psychological alignments of the employee. This, therefore, should be considered as the international strategy of a multinational firm to create unique resources for competitive success. Successful multinational firms develop a common pattern of business performance by creating company citizenships, which include a primary focus on such values as organizational innovation, and a goal orientation. These values ultimately create commitment of the employees. 
This book proposes that there are some specific espoused values in every important multinational company, which form their organizational cultures and create values, which in turn may create enhanced performance of the organization. We can call this interrelationship between culture and performance as the company citizenship. This company citizenship can be transmitted from one part of the globe to another through the transmission of its corporate management and operations management system as a strategy of a multinational company

* The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate
Neal M. Ashkanasy, Celeste P M Wilderom, Mark F. Peterson
SAGE, 2011 - Business & Economics - 650 pages

In The Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate: Second Edition, a team of leading international scholars presents the state-of-the-art in the field, ten years after the publication of the award-winning First Edition. Following the Preface by Edgar Schein, 33 entirely new chapters document the development and maturing of ideas canvassed in the First Edition, and also offer exciting new perspectives on organizational culture and climate.

* Organizational Culture and Leadership

Edgar H. Schein
John Wiley & Sons, 24-Mar-2006 - Business & Economics - 464 pages

In this third edition of his classic book, Edgar Schein shows how to transform the abstract concept of culture into a practical tool that managers and students can use to understand the dynamics of organizations and change. Organizational pioneer Schein updates his influential understanding of culture--what it is, how it is created, how it evolves, and how it can be changed. Focusing on today's business realities, Schein draws on a wide range of contemporary research to redefine culture, offers new information on the topic of occupational cultures, and demonstrates the crucial role leaders play in successfully applying the principles of culture to achieve organizational goals. He also tackles the complex question of how an existing culture can be changed--one of the toughest challenges of leadership. The result is a vital resource for understanding and practicing organizational effectiveness.

* Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies
Robert J. House, Paul J. Hanges, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfman, Assistant Professor of Management and International Business Vipin Gupta, Vipin Gupta
SAGE Publications, 30-Apr-2004 -  848 pages
Culture, Leadership, and Organizations reports the results of a ten-year research program, the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program. GLOBE is a long-term program designed to conceptualize, operationalize, test, and validate a cross-level integrated theory of the relationship between culture and societal, organizational, and leadership effectiveness. A team of 160 scholars worked together since 1994 to study societal culture, organizational culture, and attributes of effective leadership in 62 cultures. Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies reports the findings of the first two phases of GLOBE. The book is primarily based on the results of the survey of over 17,000 middle managers in three industries: banking, food processing, and telecommunications, as well as archival measures of country economic prosperity and the physical and psychological well-being of the cultures studied.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Professor Robert Yearout - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

Bob Yearout, Ph.D.

Professor of Management
University of North Carolina, Ashville
yearout  atr /  atr mgmt_unca

Dr. Yearout  received  the 1995-1996 Ruth and Leon Feldman Professorship for Outstanding Research, the 1997-1998 Distinguished Teaching Award for the Social Sciences, the 1999-2000  UNC Asheville Distinguished Teacher of the Year, the First Annual University Service Council Award in 2002, the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2006, and the 2006-2007 Annual University Research Council Award for Scholarly and Creative Achievement.  He has published one book and a significant number of articles in national and international peer reviewed journals.

He was on the editorial board of International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory: Theory, Applications and Practice

His research interests are noise hazards, quality control, inventory control, engineering economics, learning and forgetting as it applies to progress curves, statistical techniques, industrial health and safety, and workstation lighting.


Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Kansas State University
M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Kansas State University
M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California
B.S. in Civil Engineering from Virginia Military Institute
Courses Taught

MGMT 179 - Terrorism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
MGMT 364 - Supply Chain Management
MGMT 380 - Management Science
MGMT 381 - Quality Control
MGMT 460 - Production Operations Management
MGMT 464 - Project Management
MGMT 465 - Operations Research
MGMT 492 - Senior Design Project
MGMT 499 - Undergraduat Research

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Handbook of Organization Theory and Management: The Philosophical Approach - Book Information

Handbook of Organization Theory and Management: The Philosophical Approach, Second Edition

Thomas D. Lynch, Peter L. Cruise
CRC Press, 01-Nov-2005 -  896 pages

Few subjects are more influenced by philosophy than the form of governance that guides and administers public affairs, yet much of the literature about public administration remains silent about this connection. Handbook of Organization Theory and Management: The Philosophical Approach, Second Edition identifies and discusses many of the most important philosophies and movements that have influenced contemporary public administration. This resource begins with the classics, explores the postmoderns, and ends with 21st Century views. The text details many of greatest and a few of the lesser-known thinkers that have crafted the philosophical lens that we use to define and understand public administration.

The second edition is made up of contributed chapters from renowned scholars. Many of the authors have revised and expanded their original contributions, and the book also contains ten new chapters covering schools of thought or movements that were not included in the first edition. The editors added extensive material that examines 21st Century alternatives to organization theory and management, including multicratic and virtual organizational structures and management approaches.

Addressing thinkers and movements in the chronological order of their appearance, this text provides students of public administration and policy a unique picture of how we continually view, understand, and debate the proper application of public management and policy.

Market Orientation - Bibliography

A Review of Market Orientation Practices for Selected Public Carnegie High Research Activity Institutions

Front Cover
Carina Niedermier Beck
ProQuest, 2007 - 254 pages
0 Reviews

While many authors (Washburn, 2005; Newman, Couturier, Scurry, 2004; Kirp, 2004; Bok, 2003; Wolff and Bryan, 1999) have written about their belief that American higher education is moving toward a market orientation, limited studies have been published citing the actual practice or success/failure of an institution(s) demonstrating market orientation qualities. The purpose of this study was to determine if two selected public Carnegie High Research Activity institutions were utilizing market orientation practices (Jaworksi and Kohli, 1993; Narver and Slater, 2000) as evidenced in their organizational culture, to enhance undergraduate recruitment and retention strategies.

We are doing a detailed study of market orientation concept by reviewing 19 papers on the topic in detail.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Professor John J. Bartholdi, III Biography and Contribution

John Bartholdi is a Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he is Director of Global Research at The Supply Chain and Logistics Institute and holds the Manhattan Associates Chair of Supply Chain Management.

He teaches courses in supply chain issues at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and in Georgia Tech's program of industry short courses.

Bartholdi's research centers on problems of warehousing and distribution.  He is co-author of the book Warehouse & Distribution Science. He is also a founder of the Wine Supply Chain Council
Bartholdi graduated in 1968 with a degree in mathematics from the University of Florida (Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Phi Beta Kappa, High Honors) and then served two tours of duty in Southeast Asia as a paratrooper in Beach Jumper Unit One of Naval Special Warfare. He returned to complete a Ph.D. in Operations Research, also at the University of Florida. In addition to his current position, he has served on the faculties of the University of Michigan, the Shanghai University for Science and Technology, and the National University of Singapore.

He won the 1999 Award for Technical Innovation by the Institute of Industrial Engineers and in 2005 was named a Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science.
Bartholdi has been honored to hold additional appointments as Professor Extraordinary of Operations Research in the Department of Logistics, Universiteit Stellenbosch, South Africa, and as Academic Leader in Industrial Engineering at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico.

Interesting Research

Allocating space in the forward pick area of a distribution center, with S. Hackman, IIE Transactions (Special issue on facility logistics), 40(11):1046-1053
Design of efficient bin-numbering schemes for warehouses by J. Bartholdi and L. Platzman, Material Flow4:247-254.

Using Shapley value to allocate savings in a supply chain, with E. Kemahlioglu Ziya. In Supply Chain Optimization, eds. P. Pardalos and J. Geunes, Kluwer Optimization Series.
The best shape for a crossdock, with K. R. Gue. Transportation Science 38(2):235-244 (2004).
Reducing labor costs in an LTL cross-docking terminal, with K. R. Gue. A slightly revised version appeared in Operations Research 48(6):823-832 (2000).

Scheduling interviews at a job fair, with K. L. McCroan. A slightly revised version appeared in Operations Research 38(6):951-960 (1990).

Decentralized control of automated guided vehicles on a simple loop, with L. K. Platzman; IIE Transactions 21(1):76-81 (1989).

Professor Thomas M. Corsi - Biography and Contribution

Thomas M. Corsi is Michelle E. Smith Professor of Logistics & Co-Director, Supply Chain Management Center at Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.

EMAIL: tcorsi  atr

Research Interests: Supply chain management, strategies and policies of motor carriers, safety management policies and programs.

Recent Research Papers of Thomas Corse

Corsi, Thomas M. (with Curtis M. Grimm and Kirk Patterson), "Diffusion of Supply Chain 
Technologies," Transportation Journal, Summer 2004, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 5-23.

Corsi, Thomas M. (with Curtis Grimm and Kirk Patterson), "Adopting New Technologies for 
Supply Chain Management," Transportation Research: Part E ,The Logistics and Transportation 
Review, Vol. 39, March 2003, pp. 95-122.

Corsi, Thomas M.(with Sandor Boyson), "Real-Time e-Supply Chain Management: Diffusion of 
New Technologies and Business Practices," Transportation Research: Part E, The Logistics and 
Transportation Review, Vol. 39, March 2003, pp. 79-82.

Xu, Kefeng; Windle, Robert; Grimm, Curtis; and Corsi, Thomas M. "Re-evaluating Returns to 
Scale in Transportation," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, September 1994, pp.275-

Principles of MANAGEMENT By MEENAKSHI GUPTA - Book Information

Google Book Link with Preview Facility

The book was written based on 15 years experience of teaching final year undergraduate students of IIT Bombay by Professor Meenakshi Gupta.

Starting page of the book in Google Books site

Dictionary of Scientific Principles - Stephen Marvin (Editor)

Book Starting Page - Google Book's Preview

2000 Principles included in the book

Aaron Antonovsky's  Comfort from Though Discomfort Principle

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Professor Hayriye Ayhan - Biography and Contribution

Dr. Ayhan is a professor in ISyE, Georgia Tech.

She received her Bachelor's in Industrial Engineering from Bosphorous University and her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University (in Industrial Engineering) in 1995.

Her research interests include stochastic (Max,+) linear systems, performance analysis of queueing and production systems via series expansions, and Markov decision processes (with applications to admission control, inventory/production control).

Dr. Ayhan received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2000. She is a member of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) and she is the secretary and the treasurer of the INFORMS Applied Probability Society.

S. Andradottir , H. Ayhan, and D. G. Down , Optimal Assignment of Servers to Tasks when Collaboration is Inefficient, under review, [paper: paper ].
H. Eser Kirkizlar, S. Andradottir , and H. Ayhan, Service Quality versus Efficiency in Tandem Systems, under review , [paper: paper ].
H. Eser Kirkizlar, S. Andradottir , and H. Ayhan, Flexible Servers in Tandem Lines with Setups, under revision , [paper: paper ].
Bo Zhang and H. Ayhan, Optimal Admission Control for Tandem Queues with Loss, to appear, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control .
S. Andradottir , H. Ayhan, and D. G. Down , Design Principles for Flexible Systems, under review , [paper: paper ].
H. Eser Kirkizlar, S. Andradottir , and H. Ayhan, Flexible Servers in Understaffed Tandem Lines, to appear, POMS

Professor Turgay Ayer - Biography and Contribution

Turgay Ayer is an Assistant Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

He received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey and his MS and PhD degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

Dr. Ayer conducts research on stochastic modeling and optimization, with applications in medical decision making, health policy, healthcare operations, service operations, and public policy.

Ph.D. Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Minor in Mathematics.
 M.Sc. Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 B.S. Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Sabanci University, Turkey
Minor in Mathematics.

Recent Research

 Q. Chen, T. Ayer, AC Rose, LJ Nastoupil, CR Flowers (2014), “Comparing the Cost
Effectiveness of Rituximab Maintenance and Radio-immunotherapy Consolidation Therapy
Following First-line Chemo-Immunochemotherapies for Follicular Lymphoma,” under review.

C. Zeng, T. Ayer, C. C. White III, V. Roshan Joseph, J. DeShane (2014) “Optimizing
Cryoprecipitate Collection Schedules,” under review.

1. DA Goldstein, Q. Chen, T. Ayer, D. Howard, J. Lipscomb, RD Harvey, B El-Rayes, CR Flowers
(2014), “Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Pharmacokinetically Guided 5-Fluorouracil therapy in
FOLFOX chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer,” in press, Clinical Colorectal Cancer1

Professor Juan Alcacer - Biography and Contribution

Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard bUSINESS sCHOOL

Juan Alcacer received his Ph.D. in International Business and Strategy and an M.A. in Economics from the University of Michigan. He also holds an MBA in Finance and Economics from IESA. Before entering graduate school he worked as an associate at McKinsey & Co. in Latin America. 

Professor Alcacer’s research interests are in international strategies of firms in the Telecommunications industry. His current research focuses primarily on the effect of competition on the location decisions of multinationals.

Recent Research Papers of  Professor Juan Alcacer

Alcacer, Juan, Minyuan Zhao, and Cristian Dezso. "Location Choices under Strategic Interactions." Strategic Management Journal (forthcoming).

Alcacer, Juan, and Wilbur Chung. "Location Strategies for Agglomeration Economies." Strategic Management Journal (forthcoming).

Alcacer, Juan, and Joanne Oxley. "Learning by Supplying." Strategic Management Journal 35, no. 2 (February 2014): 204–223.

Alcacer, Juan, Cristian Deszo, and Minyuan Zhao. "Firm Rivalry, Knowledge Accumulation, and MNE Location Choices." Special Issue on The Multinational in Geographic Space. Journal of International Business Studies 44, no. 5 (June–July 2013): 504–520.

Alcacer, Juan, and Minyuan Zhao. "Local R&D Strategies and Multi-location Firms: The Role of Internal Linkages." Management Science 58, no. 4 (April 2012): 734–753.

Alcacer, Juan, and Wilbur Chung. "Benefiting from Location: Knowledge Seeking." Global Strategy Journal 1, nos. 1-2 (May, 2011): 132–134.

Alcacer, Juan, and Wilbur Chung. "Benefiting from Location: Knowledge Retrieval." Global Strategy Journal 1, nos. 3-4 (2011): 233–236.

Professor David Ager - Biography and Contribution

David Ager is Senior Fellow within Executive Education at Harvard Business School.

Professor Ager's research focuses on the leadership and organizational challenges that firms face as they conduct post-acquisition integration.

From 2004 to 2012 Ager served as a faculty member and the director of undergraduate studies in the Sociology Department at Harvard University.

In 2004, Ager earned a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, a joint degree granted by Harvard Business School and Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.   Prior to that, he had an Honors B.Sc. in Economics and Human Biology from the University of Toronto, an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario and a Master's degree in Sociology from Harvard University. 


Ager, David. "The Emotional Impact and Behavioral Consequences of Post-M&A Integration: An Ethnographic Case Study in the Software Industry." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 40, no. 2 (April 2011): 199–230.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Professor Jane Chumley Ammons - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

Jane Ammons serves as the H. Milton and Carolyn J. Stewart School Chair and Professor for the Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Her areas of expertise include supply chain engineering with a special interest in developing closed loop, environmentally sustainable systems. Dr. Ammons received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. In addition to her academic experience, Dr. Ammons has worked as a plant engineer for an industrial manufacturer and is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Georgia.

Dr. Ammons has served as the President of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE).


Investigation of electronic assembly design alternatives through production modeling of life cycle impacts, costs, and yield

Stuart, J.A. ; Dept. of Ind. Welding & Syst. Eng., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA ; Turbini, L.J. ; Ammons, J.C.

There are a number of different product and process design choices for electronics assemblies. Decision tools to aid in the selection of a product and process design have been limited to qualitative methodologies. In addition, trade-offs between environmental impacts, yield, and reliability have not been analyzed. In this paper, electronic assembly product and process design alternatives are investigated using a quantitative methodology with life cycle considerations for environmental impacts. These impacts include energy usage, material consumption, waste generation, process yield, and product reliability.

Published in: Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part C, IEEE Transactions on  (Volume:20 ,  Issue: 4 ), 1997

Component allocation to balance workload in printed circuit card assembly systems

pages 265-275, IIE Transactions, Volume 29, Issue 4, 1997

Professor Rawi E. Abdelal - Biography and Contribution - Strategic Management

Rawi Abdelal is the Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management at Harvard Business School and the Chair of the MBA Required Curriculum. His primary expertise is international political economy, and his research focuses on the politics of globalization and the political economy of Eurasia.

Recent Research Papers of Rawi Abdelal

Abdelal, Rawi. "The Profits of Power: Commerce and Realpolitik in Eurasia." Review of International Political Economy 20, no. 3 (June 2013): 421–456.
Abdelal, Rawi, and Sophie Meunier. "Managed Globalization: Doctrine, Practice, and Promise." Journal of European Public Policy 17, no. 3 (April 2010): 349–366.
Abdelal, Rawi, and Adam Segal. "Has Globalization Passed Its Peak?" Foreign Affairs 86, no. 1 (January/February 2007): 103–114. (Abridged and reprinted in International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, ninth edition, ed. Robert J. Art and Robert Jervis. New York: Longman, 2009, pp. 340-346.)

Selected Books of  Rawi Abdelal

Abdelal, Rawi, Mark Blyth, and Craig Parsons, eds. Constructing the International Economy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010.

Abdelal, Rawi, ed. The Rules of Globalization: Case Book. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008.

Abdelal, Rawi. Capital Rules: The Construction of Global Finance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. 

Professor Sigrun Andradottir - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

Sigrun Andradottir is a Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. She received a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Iceland in 1986, an M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University in 1989, and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford University in 1990. She joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1990, and later moved to Georgia Tech in 1995.

Her research interests are in simulation, applied probability, and stochastic optimization.

Email: sa "atr"

Interesting Recent Research Papers

Design Principles for Flexible Systems (with Hayriye Ayhan and Douglas G. Down). Production and Operations Management, 2013 (volume 22, issue 5), 1144-1156.

Optimal Assignment of Servers to Tasks when Collaboration is Inefficient (with Hayriye Ayhan and Douglas G. Down). Queueing Systems, 2013 (volume 75, issue 1), 79-110.

An Averaging Framework for Simulation Optimization with Applications to Simulated Annealing (with Andrei A. Prudius). Naval Research Logistics, 2012 (volume 59, issue 6), 411-429.

Flexible Servers in Tandem Lines with Setups (with Hayriye Ayhan and H. Eser Kirkizlar). Queueing Systems, 2012 (volume 70, issue 2), 165-186.

Flexible Servers in Understaffed Tandem Lines (with H. Eser Kirkizlar and Hayriye Ayhan). Production and Operations Management, 2012 (volume 21, issue 4), 761-777.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Professor Christos Alexopoulos - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

Professor Alexopoulos' research interests center on applied probability, statistics, and optimizations of stochastics systems. His recent work involves problems related to the optimal design of telecommunications and transportation networks.

Email: christos atr

Interesting Research Papers of Prof. Christos Alexopoulos

Bai, L., Alexopoulos, C., Ferguson, M., and Tsui, K-L. A simple and robust batch-ordering inventory policy under incomplete demand knowledge, Computers and Industrial Engineering, appeared online, April 24, 2012 (

Alexopoulos, A., Goldsman, D., Fontanesi, J., Kopald, D., and Wilson, J. R. Modeling patient arrivals in community clinics, Omega, vol. 36, no. 1, 33-43, 2008.

Kim, S.-H., Alexopoulos, C., Tsui, K.-L., and Wilson, J. R. A distribution-free tabular CUSUM chart for autocorrelated data, IIE Transactions, vol. 39, pp. 317-330, 2007.

Fontanesi, J., Alexopoulos, C., Goldsman, D., Sawyer, M., De Guire M., Kopald, D., and Holcomb, K. Non-punctual patients: Planning for variability in appointment arrival times, Journal of Medical Practice Management, vol. 18, pp. 14-18, 2002.

Alexopoulos, C. and Griffin, P. G. Path planning for a mobile robot, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 22, pp. 318-322, 1992.

Professor Shabbir Ahmed - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

November 2014

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed is a Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

He received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2000. His research interests are in optimization, specifically stochastic and integer programming.

Email: sahmed  atr  (atr = @)

Interesting Research Papers of Prof Shabbir Ahmed

A cutting and scheduling problem in float glass manufacturing
B Na, S Ahmed, G Nemhauser, J Sokol
Journal of Scheduling 17 (1), 95-107, 2014

Optimization of automated float glass lines
B Na, S Ahmed, G Nemhauser, J Sokol
International Journal of Production Economics 145 (2), 561-572, 2013

Supply chain design under uncertainty using sample average approximation and dual decomposition
P Schütz, A Tomasgard, S Ahmed
European Journal of Operational Research 199 (2), 409-419, 2009

The value of multistage stochastic programming in capacity planning under uncertainty
K Huang, S Ahmed
Operations research 57 (4), 893-904, 2009

Coherent risk measures in inventory problems
S Ahmed, U Çakmak, A Shapiro
European Journal of Operational Research 182 (1), 226-238, 2007

A stochastic programming approach for supply chain network design under uncertainty
T Santoso, S Ahmed, M Goetschalckx, A Shapiro
European Journal of Operational Research 167 (1), 96-115, 2005

Robust process planning under uncertainty
S Ahmed, NV Sahinidis
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 37 (5), 1883-1892, 1998

Monday, November 3, 2014

Prof Robert Harris - Biography and Contribution

Birth November 1949

Robert Harris is the C. Stewart Sheppard Professor of Business Administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. He was previously the Dean of the Darden School and the Charles C. Abbott Professor of Business Administration. Before being named Dean in October of 2001, Harris held a dual role as C. Stewart Sheppard Professor of Administration and Vice President and Chief Learning Officer of United Technologies Corporation (1998 to 2001).

Dissertation and Thesis Direction

James Parrino (Ph.D.) "Essays on Post-Merger Performance" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1996).

Michael Ho (Ph.D.) "Analysts' Recommendation Changes and Market Information" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1995).

Richard Boebel (Ph.D.) "Financial Analysts' Forecasts in Earnings: Long Term and Short Term Forecasts"- chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1991).

Felicia Marston (Ph.D.) "The Use of Financial Analyst Forecast Data to Measure Risk and Return" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1987).

Donald Margotta (Ph.D.) "The Effects of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Decisions" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1984).

Nicholas Calley (Ph.D.) "Owner-Control Relationships as a Motive for Merger" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1982).

Abol Jalilvand (Ph.D.) "An Empirical Model of the Firm's Financing and Dividend Decisions" - chairman (Ph.D. awarded 1981).

Professor John J. Mcconnell Biography and Contribution

13 November 1945

Krannert School Management

Best Paper, Review of Financial Studies, 1989, “Requiem for a Market: An Analysis of
the Rise and Fall of a Financial Futures Contract” (with E. T. Johnston)

Fama-DFA Prize for Capital Markets and Asset Pricing, Journal of Financial Economics, Second Place, 2006, “The Other January Effect” (with M. J. Cooper and A. V.

Graham and Dodd Scroll Award, Financial Analysts Journal, 2008, “Equity Returns at
the Turn-of-the-Month” (with W. Xu)

All Star Paper, Journal of Financial Economics, 1983, “An Empirical Investigation of the
Impact of ‘Antitakeover’ Amendments on Common Stock Prices” (with S. Linn)

All Star Paper, Journal of Financial Economics, 1985, “Corporate Capital Expenditure
Decisions and the Market Value of the Firm” (with C. J. Muscarella)

All Star Paper, Journal of Financial Economics, 1989, “Further Evidence on the Bank
Lending Process and the Capital-Market Response to Bank Loan Agreements” (with
S. L. Lummer)

All Star Paper, Journal of Financial Economics, 1990, “Additional Evidence on Equity
Ownership and Corporate Value” (with H. Servaes)

Professor Christa Muth - Biography and Contribution

DOB: 24 November 1949

Developed Human Systems Engineering

Philosophy for Business - Electronic Journal Information

Many papers and articles deal with Business Ethics


Philosophy for Business Issue 77 20th June 2014

'Economics, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility' by Yongsheng Wang and Maxwell Chomas
'Truth in the Business Arena' by Geoffrey Klempner
'A Call for Papers' by Peter S. Borkowski

Philosophy for Business Issue 76 28th February 2014

'Meeting Socrates: How to do Socratic Consultations' by Kristof Van Rossem
'The Role of Science in a Modern Mobile World' by Maximiliano E. Korstanje and Geoffrey Skoll
'Seeing Philosophy in Business Writing' by Peter Borkowski

Philosophy for Business Issue 75 21st December 2012

'Consolations of a Business Philosopher' by Geoffrey Klempner
'Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Articulation and Economics' by Pedro Blas Gonzalez
'From Data and Information to Actionable Knowledge' by Georgios Constantine Pentzaropoulos
Philosophy for Business Issue 74 7th September 2012

'The Problem of Abortion: A Utilitarian Discussion' by Tejasha Kalita
'The Fetish of Risk' by Geoff Skoll and Maximiliano Korstanje
Terry Eagleton meets Roger Scruton at the Royal Institution
Philosophy for Business Issue 73 24th April 2012

'Friedrich Hayek: The Mont Pelerin Society and 'The Facts of the Social Sciences'' by Pedro Blas Gonzalez
'The German model, codetermination and Alexander Platz: Fusion or Confusion?' by Angela Richards
'Is Deep Ecology a Realistic Policy Goal?' by Dr Prabhu Venkataraman and Devartha Morang
Philosophy for Business Issue 72 27th March 2012

'Screen Age Man and the Terror of Silence' by Stephen Farthing
Tim E. Taylor 'Knowing What is Good For You' reviewed by Rachel Browne
Machiavelli and Business Ethics: Three recent answers
Philosophy for Business Issue 71 23rd January 2012

'Toward Corporate Preeminence: The Greatness of Corporate Soul' by Sean Jasso
'On the Right to be Greedy' by Geoffrey Klempner
Review of Carl Freedman 'The Age of Nixon: A study in cultural power' by Rachel Browne

Philosophy for Business Issue 70 6th December 2011

'Ludwig von Mises: Economist and Philosophical Anthropologist' by Pedro Blas Gonzalez
'Emergencies and the Mass Media' by Maximiliano Korstanje
Call for Papers: Philosophy of Management 2012
Philosophy for Business Issue 69 13th October 2011

'Harnessing Enterprise and Risk in The Era of 'Political Economy'' by Sean Jasso
Review of Marvin T. Brown Civilizing the Economy: A New Economics of Provision by Rachel Browne
CFP: Henry Kaufman Conference on Religious Traditions and Business Behavior
Philosophy for Business Issue 68 23rd September 2011

'A Study of Paul Virilio Panic City' by Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Samuel S. Franklin The Psychology of Happiness, A Good Human Life, reviewed by Rachel Browne
'Speak Up Procedures Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities of Internal Whistle-Blowing Procedures', University of Greenwich Business School
Philosophy for Business Issue 67 26th May 2011

'Issues in Workplace Accommodations for People with Disabilities' by Andrew Ward, Paul M.A. Baker and Nathan Moon
'The Necessity of Lying' by Max Malikow
'Genealogy of Pop' by Lance Kirby
Philosophy for Business Issue 66 25 March 2011

'The Way of Business. An Inquiry into Meaning and Superiority: Prologue' by Tom Veblen
'Descartes' Method revived by Edward de Bono, or how to improve the practical efficiency of our minds' by Pencka Gancheva
'Fear Mongering Feeds Insane Oil Prices Once Up-on A-Gain' by Michael Levy
Event: 'Wittgenstein (The Crooked Roads)' by William Lyons
Philosophy for Business Issue 65 17 February 2011

Answer to question on 'Capitalism and the poverty of desire' by Geoffrey Klempner
'Swine Flu in Perspective' by Maximiliano Korstanje
'The Way of Business: Pressing On' by Tom Veblen
Birkbeck College London: Postgraduate Programmes in Corporate Governance and Ethics
Philosophy for Business Issue 64 21 January 2011

'Whither Business Ethics?' by Bob Korth
'The Suffering Principle in Peter Singer's Ethics' by Tanuja Kalita
Review of Jennifer Burns 'Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right' by Martin Jenkins

Professor Robert Butler Wilson - Biography and Contribution

Date of Birth 16 May 1937


Professor Emeritus, Stanford Business School

Nonlinear Pricing. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. ISBN 0-19-506885-8.
Paperback edition 1997.
Reviewed by Richard Schmalensee, Journal of Political Economy, December
1994, 102(6): 1288-1291; and by John C. Panzar, Journal of Economic
Literature, September 1995, 33(3): 1339-1341. Selected by the editors of the
Journal of Business as the 1995 winner of the Leo Melamed Prize, awarded
biannually by the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago for
“outstanding scholarship by a business professor.”


"Investment Analysis under Uncertainty," Management Science, Vol. 15, No. 12
(August 1969), pp. B650-B664. Reprinted in Stochastic Optimization Models in
Finance, W. Ziemba and R. Vickson (eds.), Academic Press, 1975; republished by
World Scientific Publishing, 2006, ISBN 981-256-800-X.
"The Postulates of Game Theory," co-authored with Stefan Bloomfield, Journal of
Mathematical Sociology, Vol. 2 (1972), pp. 221-234.
"Computing Equilibria of Two-Person Games from the Extensive Form,"
Management Science, Vol. 18, No. 7 (March 1972), pp. 448-460.
"The Game-Theoretic Structure of Arrow's General Possibility Theorem," Journal of
Economic Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1 (August 1972) pp. 14-20.

Professor Tomi Laamanen - Biography and Contribution

Date of Birth 3 November 1968

Area: Strategic Management, Mergers and Acquisitions

Tomi Laamanen is Chaired Professor of Strategic Management, Director of the Institute of Management, and Director of the PhD Program of Strategy of the University of St.Gallen (2014).

Tomi Laamanen holds two D.Sc. degrees; one in Strategy and one in Finance.

Tomi Laamanen’s research focuses on strategic management with a special emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, management cognition, strategy process, capability dynamics, and management’s cognition.

Tomi Laamanen is Associate Editor of the Strategic Management Journal and member of the Editorial Boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Discovery, and Journal of Management (2014)

Research Papers

Laamanen T, Wallin, J. 2009. Cognitive Dynamics of Capability Development Paths. Journal of
Management Studies..

Sillanpää, A., Laamanen T. 2009. Positive and Negative Feedback Effects in Competition for
Dominance of Network Business Systems. Research Policy.

Kallunki, J-P, Laamanen, T, Lämpsä, E. 2009. Stock Market Valuation, Profitability and R&D
Spending of the Firm: The Effect of Technology Mergers and Acquisitions. Journal of Banking
Finance and Accounting

Autio, E., and Laamanen, T. 1995. Measurement and evaluation of technology trans-fer: Review of
technology transfer mechanisms and indicators, International Journal of Technology Management,
Vol 10, No 7/8, pp 643-668.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Professor Markus Venzin - Biography and Contribution

Birthday November 1st, 1968.

He studied Economics from the University of St. Gallen and also got his PhD in Economics from the same university, University of St. Gallen.

Markus Venzin is presently Professor for Global Strategy at the Management Department of Bocconi University and Senior Lecturer at SDA Bocconi. He is the Director of the Master of Science in International Management at Bocconi University.  Markus Venzin was the chair of the organizing committee of the Academy of International Management Conference 2008 at Bocconi University. He held visiting positions and teaching assignments at University of Michigan, Fudan University (Shanghai), Copenhagen Business School, Essec (Paris), ESADE (Barcelona), Steinbeis University (Berlin) and St. Gallen University.

Markus Venzin  research interests are in the areas internationalization strategies, the management of subsidiary network of international companies, global knowledge management systems as well as the development of formal planning and control processes.

Some of his current research projects are the study of global knowledge sharing systems of the cement industry, internationalization processes of retail banks, export strategies of small and medium sized firms, innovation and cross-border commercialization of financial service products and the logic and process of cross-border mergers and acquisitions of banks.

Books Authored by Prof. Markus Venzin

Orchestration of the Global Network Organization
Torben Pedersen, Timothy M. Devinney, Markus Venzin, Laszlo Tihanyi
Emerald Group Publishing, 09-Jul-2014 - 552 pages

Multinational Corporations are meeting new challenges by focusing on core activities, value chain disaggregation, relocation of activities to emerging markets, industry consolidation, technological change, and market volatility. In this volume we scrutinize different models to examine how MNCs can cope and orchestrate a global network organization.

Building an International Financial Services Firm: How Successful Firms Design and Execute Cross-Border Strategies (Google eBook)
Markus Venzin
Oxford University Press, 22-Jan-2009 - 392 pages

This book explores the issues that arise for banks in their strategic choices as they move into  new international markets. It focuses on fundamental strategic decisions such as when, where, and how to enter foreign markets and how to design the organizational architecture of the multinational financial services firm. Using simple theoretical frameworks illustrated by case examples, this book provides a thorough guide to the challenges of the international market for financial services firms. The book also provides content relevant to researchers studying issues in this area.

Prof. Markus Venzin - Selected Research Papers in English

Ram Mudambi and Markus Venzin, The strategic nexus of offshoring and outsourcing decisions, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 47, Number 8, December 2010, pp. 1510-1533

Markus Venzin, Cosntructing power to drive strategy processes in multinational firms, in: Mazzola, P. and F. W. Kellermanns (eds). Handbook of research on strategy process. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 452 470.

Volker Mahnke, Torben Pedersen and Markus Venzin, Does Knowledge Sharing Pay? An MNC Subsidiary Perspective on Knowledge Outflows, Advances in International Management (Elsevier), 2009, pp.123 - 149.

Markus Venzin, Vikas Kumar and Jens Kleine, Internationalization of Retail Banks: A Micro-Level Study of the Multinationality-Performance Relationship, Management International Review, 2008/4, Vol . 48, pp. 463-485.

Volker Mahnke, Markus Venzin and Shaker Zahra, Governing entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in the MNE: Aligning interests and cognition under uncertainty, Journal of Management Studies, 44:7 November 2007, pp. 1278-1298.

Volker Mahnke, Torben Pedersen Markus Venzin, The impact of knowledge management on MNC subsidiary performance: the role of absorptive capacity, Management International Review, 2005, pp. 101 - 119.

"The Internationalization Process of Digital Good Providers" (con V. Mahnke), in Management International Review, 2003/1, pp. 115-142.

 "Corporate Governance of K-teams in MNCs" (con V. Mahnke), in Management International Review, november 2003.

"Knowledge Management", in Cems Business Review, 2, 1998, pp. 205-210;

"Communities of Strategic Practice: How Managers Create and Share Intuition in Strategic Processes", in: Beerli, Diemers, Falk Knowledge Management in Practice, New York: AMACOM, 2002, pp. 137-155.

"The Concept of Knowledge in Strategic Management: Assumptions, Appearances and Applications" (con G. von Krogh e J. Roos), in G. von Krogh, J. Roos e D. Kleine (eds.), The Epistemological Challenge: Understanding and Measuring Organizational Knowledge, Sage Publications, 1998, pp. 26-67.