Thursday, April 6, 2023

Henry Varnum Poor - Early Management Thinker - 1850

Based on the Article
By Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.

Henry Varnum Poor worked as the editor of the American Railroad Journal from 1849 to 1862 and
later published  Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States.

As editor, Poor made special studies of construction, finance, operation, and  administration. Of the major problems discussed in the pages of the Journal those raised by the beginning of large-scale private finance, at first fully occupied his attention.  He was the first American to analyze with care and intensiveness many of the basic problems of modern big business.

During the years 1845 to 1849 he had actively helped his brother, John Alfred Poor, build one of New England's most  important railroads, the Atlantic and St. Lawrence, which connected Portland with Montreal. In this work he acquired a valuable first hand understanding of what the construction of a railroad in a semi-frontier area of the United States involved and what specific problems of promotion, organization, construction, and financing had to be met.  He also has intellectual training. Through his brother-in-law, Frederick Henry Hedge, one of the initiators of the Transcendental movement,  Poor came to know personally Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Channings, Theodore Parker, George Ripley, and other intellectual leaders of the day and became imbued with their buoyant, optimistic belief in man's progress and perfection.

Poor came to  believe that God had given man a mind as the means for his perfection. Man's mind was stronger than the currently existing man-made institutions and could alter the institutions which had brought sin and evil  into the world. The mind must be carefully trained and disciplined both intellectually and morally.

To Henry Poor the coming of the industrial and transportation revolutions was an example where
men by creatively applying their minds to the labor-saving machine were making strides towards the physical perfection that was the first and necessary step to intellectual and spiritual. The railroad was having the most profound effect.  By lowering the cost of transportation and by making possible widespread commercial agriculture and large-scale industry, the railroad was making food, clothing, and the other necessities of life plentiful to all classes.  For Henry Poor, then, the efficient construction and operation of the American railroad system was even more a moral than an economic necessity, and throughout his life his moral indignation was thoroughly aroused when incompetence or dishonesty hampered effective railroad operation.

When the decade of the fifties opened, the investment market had not yet been standardized. Finance was the major problem of the railroad industry at that time. The new western roads were coming en masse to the eastern cities to raise money and if the funds were not forthcoming, many lines so essential to the growth of the United States could not be built. For this reason Henry Poor, writing from his Wall Street office  tried to popularize  the railroad mortgage bond, the comparatively new financial instrument that was to finance the construction of the roads in the West and the South. He also analyzed conditions of the New York investment market, advising the roads when  to float their securities and explained to them the intricacies of getting  a fair price for western railroad bonds. Poor repeatedly advocated developing systems in  the methods of buying and selling securities. He urged reliable banking firms to enter the railroad security field.

By 1852, however, conditions had changed so rapidly that construction finance was no longer the major problem in the railroad industry and railroads were proliferating.  Poor became cautious and urged the investors not to put their money into roads about which they had little information, and asked the roads not to come to the market  unless the soundness of their financial position was made explicit in their printed prospectuses. By 1857 there was depression and railroads got into financial problems. Poor therefore turned his attention from finance and financial reform to the second major problem raised by the expansion of the railroad system at the time that of operation and management.


The Erie Railroad was completed in 1851, the Baltimore and Ohio and the Atlantic and St. Lawrence in 1853, and the Pennsylvania in 1855. The year 1852 saw the entrance of the Michigan Central and the Michigan Southern into Chicago, and by 1855 the Mississippi had been reached at several places. By that date the Old Northwest which in 1849 had only some 600 miles of road could boast that nearly every sizable town in the area had rail connections with the Atlantic seaboard.

The development and handling of through traffic became an important factor in the survival or success. One result was the consolidation of smaller lines. The railroad entrepreneurs of the 1850's were now faced with the complex problem of how to operate it most effectively.

The most serious and most novel of the problems of operation were raised by the greatly increased size of the new operating units. By 1855 close to twenty operating units were working more than 250 miles of road.

This development of large individual operating units  presented the American businessmen for the first time with the many modern problems of large-scale business management. Daniel C. McCallum, superintendent of the Erie, pointed out that actually in management methods the smaller roads were closer to the small manufacturing firms of the day than to the new roads of the fifties. A Superintendent of a road fifty miles in length can give its business his personal attention and may be constantly on the line engaged in the direction of its details; each person is personally known to him, and all questions in relation to its business are at once presented and acted upon; and any system however imperfect may under such circumstances prove comparatively successful. In the government of a road five hundred miles in length a very different state exists.

Henry Poor quite agreed with McCallum that system rather than size determined the efficiency of a road, and therefore, its productiveness. His attention had been turned to the problems of large-scale management by the realization that many small roads, old and new, were making better net returns than the large new ones. In railroads, where profits were relatively low, Poor felt that the failure to systematize administration and operations, rather than the roads' traditional excuse of low rates, was most responsible for their unfavorable financial record. In 1854,  Poor decided to turn the attention of his paper to the study of management.

He wrote "We believe that the science of management is the most important in its bearings upon the success of the American Railroads that it includes facts and principles which are deserving a full statement and an elaborate discussion. . . In this field the Journal will ever strive to be a faithful laborer. To the editor of the Journal the science of management fundamentally resolved itself into three principles organization, communication, and  information. Of these organization was basic."

Organization to Poor meant the careful division of labor, from the president to the common laborer, with each man having his own specified duties and responsibilities, and each being directly accountable to his immediate superior.  By communication Poor meant primarily a method of reporting throughout the organization which would give the top management an accurate and continuous account of the progress of operations, and which in so doing would assure the necessary accountability all along the line. Information in an administrative sense was to Poor recorded communications that is, a record of the operational reports systematically compiled and analyzed. This information was to be used for deriving a clearer understanding of such basic matters as fixed costs, running expenses, operational performance, rate-making, and so forth, and also to provide data necessary for more scientific experimentation to improve service.

He was in touch with various managers of railways in various companies. He was closest to McCallum of the Erie.  "Mr. McCallum's strong point," wrote Poor, "lies in his power to  arrange and systematize, and in his ambitions to perfect his systems. To  this end he has untiringly devoted his energies since he was appointed in charge of this great work."

McCallum had reorganized the service so as to eliminate much duplication of work and thereby had actually made the road more efficient by cutting down the number of paid hands. Further measures had been to utilize men fully by making temporarily unoccupied men to clean machinery and make minor repairs on the rolling stock and equipment. He had systematized the methods of  repairing locomotives so that more than forty engines which were normally lying idle could be on the road. More important was McCallum's proficiency in adapting the telegraph to railroad operations. Not only did the telegraph make for safer and far more efficient operations but it was also used to facilitate over-all administration. Poor concluded his remarks on McCallum's initial reforms by pointing out that:  Now, the superintendent can tell at any hour of the day, the precise location of every car and engine on the line of the road and the duty it is performing. Formerly, the utmost confusion prevailed in this regard,  so much so that cars in perfect order have stood for months upon the switches without being put to the least service, and without its being known where they were.

McCallum's careful "division of  management" was best expressed in an organization chart of the Erie
which he had drawn up for purposes of reference. The design of the chart was a tree with the roots representing the President and the Board of Directors; the branches were the five operating divisions and the service departments: engine repairs, car, bridge, telegraph, printing, and so on; while the leaves represented the various local agents, subordinate superintendents, train crews, foremen, and so forth. McCallum's subdivision went even further than indicated on the chart. The smaller units such as the repair and machine shops were "managed with the same careful system that characterized the general superintendence of the Company's affairs."  Within these subdivisions the duties of each grade in the hierarchy not only were carefully specified, but the grade of each individual in the organization was indicated on the prescribed uniform worn by all employees.

The line of command within the organization followed closely the lines indicated on the organization chart. Orders must go from roots to the leaves via the proper branches. "All subordinates," McCallum insisted, "shall be accountable to and be directed by their own immediate superior only; an obedience can not be enforced where the foreman in immediate charge is interfered with by a superior officer giving orders directly to his subordinates."  In the same way McCallum pointed out when discussing the powers of the more senior officials, "their subordinates cannot  communicate with higher office, but through them [the senior officials] and can only be communicated with through them."

Communication from subordinate to superior in  the Erie was achieved by a thoroughgoing system
of reports. "This plan involves on the one hand a very considerable trouble and expense," the Journal
admitted, including "the maintenance of a large office of eight active clerks, but on the other hand it depicts faithfully in the general office every fact of practical importance." This plan included hourly, daily, and monthly reports. The hourly reports were mainly operational, giving by telegraph a train's location and the reasons for any delays or mishaps.  This "information being entered on a convenient tabular form, showed at a glance, the position and progress of the trains,  in both directions on every Division." It also provided an excellent source of operational information which among other things proved especially useful in determining and eliminating "causes of delays."

Daily reports, the real basis of the system were required from both conductors and station agents. They covered all important matters of train operations as well as the more general movement of freight and
passenger traffic.  Daily reports were required from the engineers also. These were compiled in a monthly statement giving for each engine the miles run, running expenses, cost of repairs, and work done, and were submitted as part of the monthly report required of each division superintendent. The superintendent's reports included an account of all operations of the division including cost, expenses, work done for all types of equipment. Similar monthly reports were required from the heads of all the service departments. The information thus obtained is embodied in the statistical accounts kept in this office and from it one can  deduce" a mass of information useful in improving the effectiveness of operations.

To Henry Poor the recording and filing of the operational and administrative information in statistical form was as important an aspect of reporting plan as was its provision for communicating the progress of operations to the head office. Poor had long considered operating statistics the basic tool for scientific management, and McCallum's plan appeared to be the most effective one yet devised to acquire such data.

Intelligent action could be taken to reduce expenses and improve performance only when it was known what the expenses of a road were and just how equipment and personnel performed. Comparative studies of the monthly engine reports, for example, clearly showed what engines were best suited to the different tasks, which engineers operated their machines most efficiently, and where changes should be made.

Statistics so necessary in determining running expenses were also essential in ascertaining the specific cost of carrying the different classifications of freight traffic and in fixing a fair rate for each classification. Statistics, Poor insisted, were the only basis on which sound principles  of rate-making could be evolved. Unless rates were thus scientifically determined, unless running and fixed expenses were carefully understood, no road could be sure just what its net receipts were or how its profits and loss really stood. These determinations, in turn, could not be made until a careful system of organization and communication was devised.

The directors of the railroads always demanded increasing rates to take care of increase in expenses of transportation.  Transportation is  essential to American economic development.  Henry Poor was against it. Instead of increasing the rates Poor urged the American railroad men to apply their minds to reducing expenses so that the apparently low fares could bring a profitable return. He insisted upon an economical administration of the roads. He wrote, "With such an administration we believe the usual rates of charges can be rendered sufficiently remunerative."

In calling on the roads to meet their financial problems by adopting more efficient and economical operating and administrative techniques rather than by raising rates, Poor was the first to voice a demand that railroad  reformers would take up and carry on for decades to come. In Poor's own day such engineers as Charles Ellet, Jr., John B. Jervis, Daniel C. McCallum, and Zerah Colburn, all made extensive efforts in different fields of railroad operation to carry out principles of a more scientific management.  After the Civil War their efforts were expanded and refined by the brilliant work of Charles Francis Adams, Albert Fink, and Marshall Kirkman.  Nevertheless, considerations other than improved management influenced the policies of the financially minded railroad executives of that  day and  too often innovations and improvements in management methods were ignored or laid aside. Thus even as late as 1910 Louis D. Brandeis, supported the views of many of the country's leading engineers (industrial or efficiency engineers) and F.W. Taylor, proponent of scientific management and  insisted that the railroads should meet their financial difficulties by improving their administrative and operational efficiency rather than by raising rates.

If Henry Poor's enunciation of the principles of a more scientific management the principles of systematic organization, communication, and information anticipated and indeed indicated the most constructive nineteenth-century developments in big business organization, his understanding of the problems involved in putting these principles into practice foreshadowed the twentieth-century pragmatic analysis of big business management.

He reaised the grave difficulties of adapting human capabilities and current business practices and institutions to the severe requirements demanded by the efficient operation of large-scale administrative units.

Of these difficulties one was the problem of getting railroad employees to accept the strict discipline and rigid regulations that were an essential part of large-scale administration. The employees took no pains to hide their dislike of the new model management and resorted to strikes.The tightening of control was also a primary cause for the founding in 1855 of the National Protective Association of the Locomotive Engineers of the United States. The call for the Association's first regular meeting registered a strong protest against "the blind system requiring implicit obedience" to all rules and regulations and asked: shall we longer submit to the tyrannical will of a few men who strive to aggrandize themselves and build themselves up the title of "Napoleons" and "Able Managers" by grinding down the pay and trying to suppress our rights as a free and independent class of men for the purpose of adding to their already enormous salaries for their "Able Management"?

Henry Poor  felt strongly that the new rules and regulations must be faithfully followed, for "we can see no other way in which such a vast machine can be safely and successfully conducted." Nevertheless he
stressed that the engineers had a valid point and urged that the regulations be given flexibility and that discretion within certain limits be allowed. He warned railroad managers of the danger of "regarding man as a mere machine, out of which all the qualities necessary to be a good servant can be enforced by the payment of wages. Duties cannot be always prescribed and the most valuable ones are often voluntary ones. . ."

 Poor highlighted the deadening effect of fixed wages and prescribed duties on the initiative and interest of the men in the organization.  Thus with salaries determined by grade rather than by ability shown or work accomplished and with the functions of each grade specifically prescribed, Poor saw little reason for the railroad employee or official to exert himself to improve the company's service.

 There is one way in which it can, and that is to supply an adequate motive to good conduct, by rewarding merit at its worth. Till this is done, railroads, wherever they may be, will drag along in their beaten tracks of dullness and routine, and become worse managed and less productive year by year.

Poor admitted, however, that the tendency toward routine and dullness was not inevitable as long as top management provided genuine leadership. Leadership infused an esprit de corps into the organization,
which stirred the interest and initiative of subordinate officials and made strict regulation more acceptable to the employees.  At the same time leadership was essential to keep the organization operating as a single unit. The minds of the top management, wrote Poor, must become the soul of the enterprise, reaching and infusing life, intelligence and obedience into every portion of it. This soul must not be a fragmentary or disjointed one giving one direction to the head, another to the hands, and another to the feet. Wherever there is a lack of unity there will be a lack of energy of intelligence of life of accountability and subordination.

Such leadership, however, demands the highest talents. Not only must the top managers know how to handle men, but they must, in Poor's view, have an expert knowledge and training in all aspects of railroad administration and operation. Yet this was rarely the case in American companies, for, as Poor wrote, railroad executives and superintendents, while understanding their own specific duties, too often were unacquainted with those of every important department under them; there is consequently no connecting link between the different departments of service, and no intelligence to guide them to a common end. In such a case it will not be long before the morale necessary to a high state of discipline will be completely broken. Instead of a unit, the different departments of service will often be arranged in hostile attitude towards each other. Parties in influential positions, being left to themselves, soon come to regard their own interests as the chief objects of concern.

A superior could hardly be expected to exact accountability down the line if he did not comprehend the type of work being accounted for. Nor could he make use of a carefully systematized supply of hourly,
daily and monthly reports if he were not competent to interpret and understand the data he received. His subordinates finding it unnecessary, indeed often useless, to make reports and rarely receiving explicit orders were soon carrying out their own work without supervision from above. The ultimate result was that the railroad was administered from the bottom rather than the top. If the American railroads were, therefore, to operate efficiently it was  obvious that they must be managed by men of the highest ability and training in railroad management. Yet it was just as obvious that this was rarely the case. In trying to account for this deficiency, Poor suggested that, in the first place, railroad companies did not provide incentives enough to attract and hold the most able men; and, secondly, they too often used other criteria than ability and training in the selection of men for the top managerial posts. Finally, railroad companies too often failed to detect inadequate leadership within their organization. This blindness Poor blamed primarily on the inability of the roads to exact proper accountability and responsibility from their managers. The breakdown of managerial leadership in Poor's view, was, thus, not so much the inability of human capabilities to meet the multitudinous responsibilities of top management; it was rather the failure of current business methods and organization to meet the requirements of large-scale administration. And this organizational failure was, in Poor's mind, sharply intensified by the sudden rise of a new business phenomenon the separation of ownership and management within the railroad corporation.

By the end of the 1850's the editor of the Railroad Journal was tracing nearly all the problems of railroads to the one underlying fact that their managers did not own and their owners did not manage. The complex requirements of large-scale railroad operation necessitating as they did, for the first time in American business, the development of a technically proficient administrative hierarchy had created a managerial class. The huge financial demands of railroad construction and operation, on the other hand, requiring a vast amount of capital from private individuals, had created an investor class and had spread ownership among a large number of persons many of whom lived at great distances from each other and from their property. Henry Poor was uncertain whether the resulting division of the business unit between management and ownership could be resolved within the accepted framework of the corporation.

To be modified once again.

Ud. 7.4.2023
Published 18 Sep 2015

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Prof. Dr. Philip Kotler - Biography and Contribution - Marketing Management

 Kotler was born on May 27, 1931.

He studied Master's program at the University of Chicago (1953) in economics. His PhD was done at  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1956),  in economics. He studied under three Nobel Laureates in Economic Science: Milton Friedman, Paul Samuelson, and Robert Solow.

Professor Kotler is the author of 57 books including: Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, the most widely used marketing book in graduate business schools worldwide; Principles of Marketing; Marketing Models; Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations; The New Competition; High Visibility; Social Marketing; Marketing Places; Marketing for Congregations; Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism; The Marketing of Nations; Kotler on Marketing, Building Global Biobrands, Attracting Investors, Ten Deadly Marketing Sins, Marketing Moves, Market Your Way to Growth, Winning Global Markets, and Confrontiing Capitalism. He has published over one hundred and fifty articles in leading journals, several of which have received best-article awards.

Professor Kotler was the first recipient of the American Marketing Association's (AMA) "Distinguished Marketing Educator Award" (1985). The European Association of Marketing Consultants and Sales Trainers awarded Kotler their prize for "Marketing Excellence". He was chosen as the "Leader in Marketing Thought" by the Academic Members of the AMA in a 1975 survey. He also received the 1978 "Paul Converse Award" of the AMA, honoring his original contribution to marketing. In 1989, he received the Annual Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award. In 1995, the Sales and Marketing Executives International (SMEI) named him "Marketer of the Year."  In 2011, he was given the title of being a Legend in Marketing; in 2012, he was #1 on the Management A-List of Academics; in 2013 he became the first recipient of the William L. Wilkie American Marketing Association Foundation's "Marketing for a Better World" Award for significant contributions to marketing theory and practice; also in 2013, he was inducted into the Management Hall of Fame; also in 2013, he became the first recipient of the Sheth Foundation Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Marketing Scholarship and Practice.  (

Kotler's Contribution to Marketing - Three Areas: Conceptualiziing the  role and tasks of marketing management, broadening the concept of marketing, and pioneering quantitative marketing


Some Publications

Kotler, Philip and Sidney Levy (1971), “Demarketing. Yes, Demarketing” , 49(6), 74-80
__________ (1972), “A Generic Concept of Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 36 (April), 46-54.
__________ (1973), “The Major Tasks of Marketing Management,” Journal of Marketing, 37 (October), 42-49.
___________ (1974), “Marketing During Periods of Shortage,” Journal of Marketing, 38 (July), 20-29.
__________ (1980) "Market Challenger Strategies," in Thomas S. Dudick (ed.), Handbook of Business Planning and Budgeting for Executives with Profit Responsibility. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 66-70.

__________ and Balachandran (1975) "Strategic Remarketing: The Preferred Response to Shortages and Inflation," Sloan Management Review, Fall 1975, pp. 1-17.

__________ and Ravi Singh (1981) "Marketing Warfare in the 1980s," Journal of Business Strategy, Winter 1981, pp. 30-41.

__________ and Waldmar Pfoertsch (2007) “Being Known or Being One of Many: The Need for Brand Management for Business-to-Business (B2B) Companies,” The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp.357-362.

_________ (2010) “Must Marketing be reinvented to Achieve Sustainability?”, Harvard Business Review, in process


Kotler's Interviews and Articles About Kotler

Visionary Series | Interview with Philip Kotler: Marketing for a Better World

Marketing 1.0 to Marketing 6.0

Philip Kotler; Hermawan Kartajaya; Hooi Den Huan

Entrepreneurial Marketing (Hardcover)


Shipping, arrives by Sat, Oct 1,2022.

Product details

An eye-opening discussion of the future of marketing, from four of the leading minds in the field

In Entrepreneurial Marketing: Beyond Professional Marketing, a renowned team of marketing leaders, including the "Father of Modern Marketing," Professor Philip Kotler, delivers a groundbreaking and incisive redefinition of entrepreneurial marketing. In the book, some of the marketing sector's brightest minds explore the increasingly essential initiative to build new capabilities beyond the mainstream marketing approach that also consider the effect of digital connectivity on consumers and companies everywhere. This book also discusses what marketers need to do to break the stagnation of normative marketing approaches that are often no longer effective in dealing with dynamic business environments.

The authors introduce a fresh entrepreneurial marketing approach, converging dichotomies into a coherent form. The book also includes:

A post-entrepreneurial-marketing view of the commercial landscape which puts the operational aspect at the center of the action, converging marketing and finance, and adopting technology for humanity
Discussions of the strategies and techniques that will drive the actions of the marketing departments to create value with values that will lead the company to success through the year 2030
Explorations of the paradox between the development of core competencies and collaboration with various parties, including competitors
The latest publication from some of the foremost minds in marketing--and in business, generally--Entrepreneurial Marketing: Beyond Professional Marketing is a must-read combination of unique insight, concrete advice, and implementable strategies that introduce a new mindset for every professional marketer, entrepreneur, and business leaders worldwide.

Summary of Chapters of Kotler's Most Popular Book on Marketing Management

Marketing Concept - Kotler

Planning in the Marketing Process

Marketing Strategy - Marketing Process - Kotler's Description

Scanning of Environment for Marketing Ideas and Decisions
Revised Article: Scanning the Marketing Macroenvironment - Philip Kotler's Book Chapter Summary

Marketing Strategy - Differentiating and Positioning the Market Offering

Management of Marketing Department and Function

Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Marketing Research and Market Demand Forecasting

Consumer Behavior

Analysis of Consumer Markets

Organizational Buying Processes and Buying Behavior

Market Segmentation and Selection of Target Segments

Branding Strategy and Brand Equity

Brand Positioning

Analyzing Competitors

Strategy of Market Leader

Marketing Strategies for Challenger Firms

Competitive Strategies for Followers and Nichers

Managing Product Lines and Brands

Marketing Strategy for New Industry Products

Marketing Management for Service Firms

Pricing Strategy and Tactics

Marketing Channel Management – Important Issues

Managing Wholesaling and Retailing Network

Marketing Logistics

Integrated Marketing Communication - Kotler and Keller Chapter Summary

Marketing Communication: Channels and Promotion Tools


Sales Promotion

Marketing Public Relations

Sales Process and Sales Training

Direct Marketing

Online Marketing

Marketing and New Product Development

International and Global Marketing

Sales Force Management

Developing Enterprisewide or Company Wide Marketing Orientation

Management of Marketing Department and Function

Marketing Management, 16è Indian Edition co-authored by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Alexander Chernev, Jagdish Sheth N Sheth, & Shainesh G. 
The most anticipated book is finally dropping on 31st May' 2022.

Ud. 27.5.2022
Pub. 1.6.2014

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Henry Gantt - Biography and Contribution - Industrial Engineering

Henry Laurence Gantt, A.B., M.E. (May 20, 1861 – November 23, 1919) was an American mechanical and industrial engineering.

Gantt was born in Calvert County, Maryland. He graduated from McDonogh School in 1878 and from Johns Hopkins University in 1880. He taught at the McDonogh School for three years. He received a Masters of Engineering degree from the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey.

In 1884, he joined as a Mechanical Engineer with Pool and Hunt of Baltimore. In 1887 became an assistant to Frederick W. Taylor in applying industrial engineering (scientific management) principles to the work at Midvale Steel and Bethlehem Steel, working there with Taylor until 1893. In his later career as a management systems  consultant, he designed the 'task and bonus' system of wage payment and additional measurement methods for worker efficiency and productivity.

In 1916, influenced by Thorsten Veblen, he set up the New Machine, an association which sought to apply the criteria of industrial efficiency to the political process. In association with the Marxist,  Walter Polakov he led a group from the 1916 ASME conference to discuss Gantt's call for socialising industrial production under the control of managers incorporating Polakov's analysis of inefficiency in the industrial context.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) awards an annual medal in honor of Henry Laurence Gantt.

Henry Gantt's legacy to production management is the following:

Industrial Efficiency: Industrial efficiency can be improved by the application of scientific analysis to all aspects of the work in progress. The industrial management's role is to improve the system by eliminating chance and accidents.

The Task And Bonus System: He linked the bonus paid to managers to how well they taught their employees to improve performance.

The Gantt chart: Still accepted as an important management tool today, it provides a graphic schedule for the planning and controlling of work, and recording progress towards stages of a project. The chart has a modern variation, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).

The social responsibility of business: He believed that businesses have obligations to the welfare of the society in which they operate.

Gantt and Charts for Visual Display of Load and Schedule

Gantt created many different types of charts. He designed his charts so that foremen or other supervisors could quickly know whether production was on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule. Modern project management software includes this critical function even now.

Gantt (1903) describes two types of balances:

The "man’s record", which shows what each worker should do and did do, and the "daily balance of work", which shows the amount of work to be done and the amount that is done.

Gantt gives an example with orders that will require many days to complete. The daily balance has rows for each day and columns for each part or each operation. At the top of each column is the amount needed. The amount entered in the appropriate cell is the number of parts done each day and the cumulative total for that part. Heavy horizontal lines indicate the starting date and the date that the order should be done. According to Gantt, the graphical daily balance is "a method of scheduling and recording work". In this 1903 article, Gantt also describes the use of: "production cards" for assigning work to each operator and recording how much was done each day.

In his 1916 book "Work, Wages, and Profits"  Gantt explicitly discusses scheduling, especially in the job shop environment. He proposes giving to the foreman each day an "order of work" that is an ordered list of jobs to be done that day. Moreover, he discusses the need to coordinate activities to avoid "interferences". However, he also warns that the most elegant schedules created by planning offices are useless if they are ignored, a situation that he observed.

In his 1919 book "Organizing for Work"  Gantt gives two principles for his charts:

One, measure activities by the amount of time needed to complete them;
Two, the space on the chart can be used to represent the amount of the activity that should have been done in that time.

Gantt’s machine record chart and man record chart are quite similar, though they show both the actual working time for each day and the cumulative working time for a week. Each row of the chart corresponds to an individual machine or operator. These charts do not indicate which tasks were to be done, however.

Some Publications

Henry L. Gantt, Dabney Herndon Maury (1884) The Efficiency of Fluid in Vapor Engines. D. Van Nostrand.
Henry L. Gantt (1903) A graphical daily balance in manufacture
Henry L. Gantt (1908) Training Workmen in Habits of Industry and Coöperation. 12 pages.
Henry L. Gantt (1910) The Compensation of Workmen ...: A Lecture Delivered Before the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Dec. 15, 1910. 116 pages.
Henry L. Gantt (1910), Work, Wages, and Profits: Their Influence on the Cost of Living, New York, New York, USA: Engineering Magazine Company, LCCN 10014590. (See also second edition, revised and enlarged.)

Henry L. Gantt (1916), Industrial leadership, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Henry L. Gantt (1919), Organizing for Work, New York, New York, USA: Harcourt, Brace, and Howe, LCCN 19014919.

Henry Gantt - Biography Articles

Ud. 20.5.2022
Pub: 20.5.2014

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Review of Research in Management, Productivity Management and Industrial Engineering - 2019 - 20


Demand Driven MRP - DDMRP - Material Requirement Planning

Resource Management - APICS Certified Resource Manager

Resource Based View - Brief Literature Review

Groups and Teams

Behavior in Groups and Teams in Organizations - Research Perspectives and Gaps

Market Orientation

Market Orientation: The Construct and Propositions - Tests - A Brief Literature Review


Creativity - Research Evolution

Value Engineering

Productivity Management

Productivity Management - Research

Machine Work Study and OEE

Principle of Motion Economy 

Additive Manufacturing

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Clusters and Competitiveness - Literature - Bibliography

Number of studies are available in Harvard Website maintained by Michael Porter           2009  2008

Monday, April 10, 2017

Elwood S. Buffa - Biography and Contribution

El Buffa was one of the founding fathers of the field of production and operations management. His very first book, Modern Production Management published in 1961, redefined the field. Its key contribution was to integrate ideas from industrial engineering and the then rather young discipline of operations research to suggest ways to improve efficiency in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The book became an instant success and was adopted as a basic text for introductory courses in production management throughout the country and around the world. The book has been translated into half a dozen languages and went through eight editions through 1987. Thousands of academics and practitioners learned about the field from this classic text and its distinguished 1963 sequel, Operations Management (whose exquisitely descriptive title was taken up quickly by business schools and remains ubiquitous unto the present day). Buffa wrote 9 major texts and a total of 26 distinct editions, and is widely considered to be his field’s most influential textbook writer during the 1960s and 1970s. 

(I would like to specifically mention that Buff did not mention industrial engineering in  his book of  modern production management. If he correctly identified the role of industrial engineering discipline, he would have done a great service to industrial engineering. But by carefully avoiding even mention of industrial engineering in the index of the text he did a great disservice to industrial engineering.)

Elwood Buffa was born on April 12, 1923 to an Italian father and an English mother in Beloit, Wisconsin. 

El finished his MBA in 1948 after completing his military service, after which the Eastman Kodak Company offered him a job in their Industrial Engineering Department. This was El’s first challenge to improve the cost, quality and efficiency of manufacturing operations. He found that he especially enjoyed training people in new ways to improve productivity.

El’s fondness of teaching led him in 1951 to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign as an assistant professor of industrial engineering, where he soon discovered that he needed a PhD to make a career in academia. So, with the strong support of Professor Ralph Barnes, then one of the most influential industrial engineers in the country, El enrolled in UCLA’s PhD program at the College of Engineering, and taught as a lecturer at the business school to support his family. He settled in Pacific Palisades where he raised his children, Carl, Jerry, and Linda.

In 1957, El received his PhD and was appointed as an associate professor at UCLA’s School of Business Administration. He was promoted to the rank of professor in 1961. He was a visiting professor at Harvard Business School from 1963 to 1964, but UCLA lured him back where he remained until retirement. El contributed to UCLA in many ways. His contributions as an educator and scholar are well recognized in the field, and he was known throughout the UCLA community for his distinguished service to the University. He was chairman of the Budget Committee, which reviewed all promotions and appointments for the entire campus. He was elected chairman of the UCLA Academic Senate from 1975 to 1976. He served as associate dean (1970-1974) of the Graduate School of Management and was the founding director of the Executive MBA Program (1981-1984), which went on to become a highly successful program at the UCLA Anderson School.

Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in Honor of Elwood S. Buffa

Rakesh K. Sarin
Springer Science & Business Media, 06-Dec-2012 - Business & Economics - 493 pages

In the fall of 1992 a conference honoring Elwood S. Buffa was held at the Anderson Graduate School of Management of the University of California, Los Angeles. This book is a collection of the work presented at that conference. The scholars who gathered to honor El are the prominent researchers in the field of Operations Management. Their collective work published in this book represents the richness of the field and provides the reader with valuable insights into its important issues and problems.

The book is organized into four sections. In the first section the articles dealing with the strategic issues in Operations Management are compiled. The articles deal with continuous improvement, quality, services, supply chain management, and creating value through operations. The articles that explore the interface of Operations Management with other functional areas, e.g. engineering and marketing, are grouped in the second section. The third section of the book contains articles that attempt to model some important planning problems that arise in the management of production and operations. Some of the papers in this section provide state of the art reviews of selected topic areas. Finally, the fourth section contains articles that deal with future directions for Operations Management. The authors offer several insights into the future evolution of the field.

The book begins with the keynote address given by El Buffa at the start of the conference on November 2, 1991.

One Year Industrial Engineering Knowledge Revision Plan

Updated 12 April 2017, 23 October 2014