Management Innovation Capabilities:
A Typology and Propositions for Management Innovation Research
Mie Harder
78-87-91815-12-6 SMG Working Paper No. 2/2011
January, 2011
ISBN: 978-87-91815-64-5
Department of Strategic Management and Globalization
Copenhagen Business School
Porcelænshaven 24
2000 Frederiksberg
Proposition 1: The cognitive capabilities of managers, i.e. their abilities to perform mental
activities related to sensing opportunities, positively influence the diagnostic capability and the
management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence, increases the likelihood of
implementing management innovations.
Proposition 2: Organizational resources (e.g. workforce characteristics, knowledge sources,
knowledge sharing practices and organizational structures promoting experimentation and knowledge
sharing) positively influence the diagnostic capability and the management innovation capabilities of an
organization and, hence, increases the likelihood of implementing management innovations.
Proposition 3: Organizational resources (e.g. employee and middle‐manager support of change,
workforce characteristics, prior experience and centralized decision making) positively influence the
implementation capability and the management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence,
increase the likelihood of implementing management innovations.
Proposition 4: The cognitive capabilities of managers, i.e. their abilities to perform mental
activities related to seizing opportunities and reconfiguring assets, positively influence the
implementation capability and the management innovation capabilities of an organization and, hence,
increases the likelihood of implementing management innovations.
Proposition 5: A performance shortfall, either in the form of a perceived problem or unexploited
opportunity, positively moderates the relationship between management innovation capabilities and the
implementation of actual management innovations
Proposition 6: Management innovation characteristics (e.g. radicalness, complexity,
complementarity etc.) moderate the relationship between management innovation capabilities and the
implementation of actual management innovations.
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