Saturday, March 28, 2015

Economics of Household Decisions in Finance - Research Papers 2015

Retirement Savings and Household Decisions (E2)

Presiding: OLIVIA MITCHELL (University of Pennsylvania)

Liquidity in Retirement Savings Systems: An International Comparison
JOHN BESHEARS (Harvard Business School)
JAMES CHOI (Yale University)
CHRISTOPHER HARRIS (University of Cambridge)
DAVID LAIBSON (Harvard University)
BRIGITTE C. MADRIAN (Harvard University)
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The Composition Effect of Consumption Around Retirement: Evidence from Singapore
SUMIT AGARWAL (National University of Singapore)
JESSICA PAN (National University of Singapore)
WENLAN QIAN (National University of Singapore)
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Defined Contribution Pension Plans: Mutual Fund Asset Allocation Changes
CLEMENS SIALM (University of Texas-Austin)
LAURA STARKS (University of Texas-Austin)
HANJIANG ZHANG (Nanyang Technological University)
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The Retirement Consumption Puzzle in China
HONGBIN LI (Tsinghua University)
XINZHENG SHI (Tsinghua University)
BINZHEN WU (Tsinghua University)
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CHRISTOPHER CARROLL (Johns Hopkins University)
JEFFREY R. BROWN (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign and NBER)
JEREMY TOBACMAN (University of Pennsylvania)
EUGENE AMROMIN (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)

Household Risk, Credit, and Insurance (E2)

Presiding: FELICIA IONESCU (Federal Reserve Board)
Risky, Lumpy Human Capital in Household Portfolios
KARTIK B. ATHREYA (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
FELICIA IONESCU (Federal Reserve Board)
URVI NEELAKANTAN (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
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No One Saw This Coming: Inferring Income and Wealth Risks from Consumption Choices during the Great Recession
MARNIX AMAND (Universite de Lausanne)
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Modeling the Revolving Revolution: The Role of IT Reconsidered
LUKASZ DROZD (University of Pennsylvania)
RICARDO SERRANO-PADIAL (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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Evaluating Long-Term-Care Policy Options, Taking the Family Seriously
DANIEL BARCZYK (McGill University)
MATTHIAS KREDLER (Universidad Carlos III Madrid)
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Insurance and Behavioral Economics: Policy Implications (D1, G2)

Presiding: HOWARD KUNREUTHER (University of Pennsylvania)

Procrastination, Present-Biased Preferences, and Financial Behaviors
JEFFREY R. BROWN (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign and NBER)
ALESSANDRO PREVITERO (University of Western Ontario)
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Experiments on the Role of Emotions in Insurance Decision Making: Implications for Behavioral Welfare Economics
HOWARD KUNREUTHER (University of Pennsylvania)
MARK PAULY (University of Pennsylvania)
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Deterrents to Insurance Purchases: Distrust and Zero Aversion
RICHARD J. ZECKHAUSER (Harvard University)
ALEXANDRA DE FILIPPO (Harvard University)
JIYOUNG HAN (Harvard University)
CLAUDIA NEWMAN-MARTIN (Harvard University)
TIMOTHY CHESTON (Harvard University)
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DAVID LAIBSON (Harvard University)
ROBERT SHILLER (Yale University)
MAUREEN CROPPER (University of Maryland)

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